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Valley Sports Report
TIOGA CENTER — Tioga senior Karson Sindoni is heading from the premier small school football program in New York State to a perennial Division III power in Ithaca College, and he couldn’t be happier about it.

Sindoni signed his National Letter-of-Intent here recently during a ceremony in the middle school auditorium that featured 13 Tioga seniors signing to play at the next level in four different sports.

“It’s a great program, so heading from one winning program to another is going to be fun.

“The people there were great,” said Sindoni. “The coaches and players were genuine.

“I’ve been there a lot, for a bunch of spring practices, and on two or three visits,” added Sindoni. “I just love it there.”

Another happy camper is Tioga football coach Nick Aiello, who also played at Ithaca College.

“Karson is going to Ithaca, which I’m real excited about,” said Aiello “Having played at Ithaca, I know the type of experience he’s going to have.

“To be able to play on that field, it’s just a great Division III venue,” added Aiello. “He’ll be part of the ‘Cortica’ game … it will be special for him.”

Aiello believes Sindoni will be successful at the next level.

“I believe the plan is for him to play tight end, but they’ve also talked about him on the defensive side of things.

“I could see him being more of a defensive end, because he’s a great pass rusher,” said Aiello. “He’s quick off the ball with a good 40 time.

“I think he’ll do well on either side of the ball, but defensively I could see him making a big impact,” he added.

Aiello notes Sindoni has work to do before he gets on the field for the Bombers.

“He knows he has to get bigger, and he has to get stronger,” said Aiello. “I think it’s going to take him a little while for him to start competing for a spot, but as long as he goes in with the right mindset, and doesn’t anticipate he’s going to be starting on Day 1, like a lot of people from small schools do … if he works through the bumps and bruises, and gets with the program, I could see him competing for a job in his second and third year.

“He has to be dedicated to the weight room, and get in phenomenal shape,” noted Aiello.

“The biggest piece for Karson … he’s going to have the long-term mindset, and long-term goal of being a starter, and then work toward it,” added Aiello.

Sindoni also knows he has work to do to get on the field at Ithaca.

“It’s going to be tough, jumping from such a small school (Tioga) to a high-level Division III program, but as long as I can adapt to how they do things, I think I’ll be fine,” he said.

“I need to get bigger and stronger in the weight room, and I need to work on my quickness,” Sindoni added.

Sindoni is majoring in Education.


IN PHOTO 1: Tioga’s Karson Sindoni.

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