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Valley Sports Report
TIOGA CENTER - Tioga senior Tyler Roe has his sights set on being an aerospace engineer, as well as wrestling in college, and he believes Stevens Institute of Technology is the perfect fit for him.

Roe signed his National Letter-of-Intent here recently during a ceremony in the middle school auditorium that featured 13 Tioga seniors signing to play at the next level in four different sports.

“The campus and the experience I’m hoping to have down there — right by the city — is what drew me to Stevens,” said Roe of his college of choice, which is located in Hoboken, N.J.

“The team had a really good energy. They were good guys, and were a lot of fun.

“There’s a new coach, he’s the one who recruited me,” noted Roe. “I’m looking forward to working with him, and him coaching me up, and making me better.

“Their academics is also really strong. They have a very good engineering school, and a good business school,” added Roe. “And, it’s right by New York City, where there are a lot of opportunities.”

Roe also looked at RIT, Binghamton, and Ithaca College.

Roe says he has to put on some weight by next wrestling season.

“I’m trying to get a little bigger,” he said. “I’m looking to fill out, and make the line-up at 165 pounds. They have a strong 157-pounder, so I’m trying to get above him to make the line-up even stronger.

“It’s all about the summer work, getting bigger, and improving as much as I can,” Roe added.

He believes his time at Tioga has prepared him well for the next level.

“Wrestling the top guys in the state, constantly every day in practice, going as hard as we can all the time … it really gives us an advantage over a lot of the college rookies entering the Division III ranks,” Roe said.

Tioga coach Kris Harrington has little doubt Roe will be successful, but believes his biggest challenge will be time management in regards to his studies.

“Tyler’s consistency in training and in effort will make him successful.

“He is very organized with his studies, and he’s going to a very strong academic university,” said Harrington. “Being an engineering major, and having been around guys like that, I know the stresses that puts on student-athletes.

“At Cornell, we had a handful of guys who were engineering majors and the challenge is to organize your day so you can get your studies where they need to be because, unless you’re going to the WWE, there’s no professional wrestling,” noted Harrington.

“For him to be organized with his studies on top of his wrestling will help him be successful at that level,” he added.

When it comes to wrestling itself, Harrington said consistency is also the key.

“He just needs to work on his consistency when he’s on the mat.

“He gives up a lot of errant takedowns in flurries — usually it’s a 4-pointer, and not a 2-pointer,” noted Harrington. “He needs to mitigate those, especially now with the 3-point takedown.

“I also think he needs to get a little stronger, and I think being in a college weight room will help with that,” he added.

Roe will major in Aerospace Engineering.


IN PHOTO 1: Tioga’s Tyler Roe.

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