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Valley Sports Report
TIOGA CENTER - A four-time state finalist, and two-time New York State champion, Tioga senior Gianni Silvestri will continue his wrestling career at Division I Clarion University.

“(Clarion) felt the most like home, and the coaches did a good job recruiting me,” said Silvestri.

“The coaching staff, and the belief they have in me was a big draw,” he added. “Like I said, it feels like home.”

Silvestri also considered Army, Binghamton, and Harvard.

Silvestri will have a couple of familiar faces in the room at Clarion in former N.Y. state champs, and Tioga grads John and Brady Worthing.

“It probably made it a little easier decision knowing that I have two people there I grew up with and have wrestled with before,” said Silvestri.

Tioga coach Kris Harrington also believes the Worthing’s presence will be a positive for Silvestri.

“The Worthings are there, so having familiar faces, and people you share common ground with will be helpful.

“If you can start on an even keel, and know some people, the adjustment period shortens quite a bit,” Harrington noted.

Harrington has little doubt Silvestri will be successful at the next level.

“Gianni’s consistency is going to make him successful — his consistency in attitude, consistency in effort.

“I think he has the lowest floor of any of these guys, meaning he’s the most prepared to go out and compete right now just the way he wrestles,” said Harrington.

“He’s just so consistent. I think that will help him, especially his freshman year,” added Harrington.

Silvestri was also part of three state football titles at Tioga, and his coach on the gridiron, Nick Aiello, is positive he’ll be successful at Clarion.

“I believe Gianni knows he can do it, and he’s a student of the game,” said Aiello. “He’s not going to make excuses for himself, he’s going to go about his business, have a plan in mind, and he’s not going to veer from that plan.

“If Gianni enjoys the grind of being a college wrestler, he’s going to be just fine because he’s constantly looking for ways to improve,” added Aiello.

Silvestri and Harrington both know there is still work to be done.

“I need to get better every day … getting better with the small details that’s going to separate me from a lot of the other guys — like hand-fighting,” said Silvestri.

“Gianni has to get stronger,” said Harrington. “You get in a college room … it will be the first time that everyone he’s competing with has the same goals and credentials.

“If you’re recruited, you’re a good athlete … you take a kid like Gianni, he wants to be successful,” noted Harrington. “Now, he’s surrounded by like-minded people who have the same goals and dreams, that’s contagious.

“Those extra workouts won’t be uncommon, they will be commonplace, and it will help him,” added Harrington.

Silvestri is looking forward to competing for a starting spot as a freshman.

“Getting in there and scrapping with the other guys makes you better. I’m excited to get in there and compete,” he said.

“I’ll compete for a starting spot my first year at 141 pounds … if I have to red-shirt, then I will,” he added.

Silvestri will major in Business.


IN PHOTO 1: Tioga’s Gianni Silvestri.

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