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Valley Sports Report
SAYRE - Recent Sayre grad Meghan Flynn has spent enough time on the Penn State-Altoona campus to know that’s where she wants to spend the next four years.

Flynn signed a National Letter-of-Intent recently to play softball for the Lions during a brief ceremony in the high school library.

“It’s a gorgeous campus, and the people are great,” she said.

“I toured the campus twice, and I’ve visited two other times,” noted Flynn. “I’ve spent quite a bit of time there.

“It feels like a good fit,” she added.

Flynn, who spent some time at catcher at Sayre, but mainly played shortstop, said she will play multiple positions at PS-Altoona.

“I’ll be a utility player. I’m hoping to play the outfield a little more, but I’ll play wherever they put me,” she said.

Sayre softball coach P.J. Davidson said Flynn has several things working in her favor to make her successful at the next level.

“Meghan is a great teammate,” said Davidson. “She thinks of the team instead of her overall stats, she’s always willing to put the team first.

“She can play anywhere, and has the ability and the softball IQ to play each position well,” he noted.

“I’m sure she likes some positions better than others, but you wouldn’t know it because that’s the good teammate part,” added Davidson. “She is just a good coachable kid.”

Flynn knows she has some work to do to play at the next level.

“I need to work on my arm strength, for sure,” she said.

“I’ve been lifting this summer, and I’ve been doing some speed work to get faster.

“I’ve been working hard,” added Flynn. “I want to improve before I get there, because it’s a really big step up.”

Flynn will major in Sports Marketing and minor in Business Administration.

“I’m definitely going into the sports field,” she said. “I’d like to work HR, possibly at a college.”


IN PHOTO 1: Sayre grad Meghan Flynn. … PHOTOS PROVIDED.

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